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DM Water Plant is a system that removes all dissolved minerals and ions from the water to produce high-purity water that is ideal for a wide range of industrial and laboratory applications. The system typically uses a combination of ion exchange resins and membrane filtration to remove impurities. DM Water Plant generally consists of several components, including pre-treatment units, ion exchange units, and a final polishing unit. The pre-treatment units remove larger particles and impurities from the water, such as sediment and organic matter.
A DM water plant is a facility that creates Deionized Water (DM water) using the demineralization or deionization purification process. In essence, DM water is water that has had the calcium, magnesium, sodium, and chloride ions removed.
The pre-treatment systems clean the water of contaminants such suspended particles, organic debris, and chlorine. Deionized water is produced by the ion exchange units by removing the mineral ions using resins.
The DM plant specifically removes dissolved solids or minerals from feed water and process streams.
It has UV disinfection or filters for ensuring that the water satisfies the necessary quality standards.